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I logged into my blog to find two comments and to be honest, I smiled widely knowing someone actually took their time to read my blog so thank you, if you are reading this right now or you did before.

Today, I thought of analyzing an emotion which I feel most of the time and it's okay to admit it. I feel okay admitting that I feel depressed sometimes. 
Depression, the word itself holds so much power and we let it take over us just in the matter of seconds and it sucks to know sometimes we feel so trapped that it seems hard to even breath.

I mean it 100% when I say, this is worst of all. Honestly, why does this even exists? It's like I am chilling on my couch, watching TV, eating these amazing butter pop corns when suddenly someone pounds really hard on my door.

I am surprised because it's midnight and I am not expecting any visitors except if it's God of Extra cheese pizza sending his mercy towards me. Anyway, where was I? Right so, I get up slowly approaching the door. I DIDN'T EVEN OPEN THE DOOR I JUST INNOCENTLY PEEKED THROUGH THE HOLE TO SEE WHO IS IT. And there I see, familiar toothy grin, rather evil grin and I know it belongs to none other than Depression the douche bag. It just consumes me suddenly, you know?
Like one time I am all chilling singing at top of my lungs and the next I know, I am staring blankly at the wall thinking about my insecurities? You know what's the funny part? When I am staring blank at the wall/ceiling and I suddenly feel hot something slipping from my eyes to my cheeks like woah chill the eff out teary glands! I didn't even plan this shit.

Anyway, it has a end for sometime and what I do to ignore it hoping it will go away is watch TV series or go out, travel. It really helps me! And honestly just remember these amazing lines by Lucy Spraggan;

"When the skies are looking bad my dear 
And your heart's lost all its hope 
After dawn there will be sunshine 
And all the dust will go 
The skies will clear my darling 
I'll wake up with the one I love the most 
And in the morning, I'll make you up Some tea and toast."

 What about you? Do you feel depressed? If yes, then what do you to do stop it?

Let me know in the comments below!

Until then,
SL signs off.

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