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What do you think of when you hear the word, fat? Give it sometime. Think about it, I'll give you approx one hundred and twenty seconds (me being fancy) to think about it. Once you have done that, I want you to remember your definition of the word, 'fat' till the end of this post.

I know it's been a long time but you can't blame me.
Quick update on my life: Anxiety is killing me! JUST KIDDING! It's the thought of starting University is killing me.

So back to the topic after all that irrelevant blabber, an attempt to make my blog look *adds synonym for fancy*

Often, I have observed, when you tell someone they are fat, they'll feel a sudden offense.


I don't understand, really. Fat is not an insult. Here's what I am doing right now, I am referring to all of us. Specially two kinds of us.

A) People with sudden realization with complimentary surprise gasps.

B) People who are fat.

Let's talk about A) kinds of people. They'll observe you from far across and when they meet you, you'll witness their expression of surprise and a sentence as following,

You are fat.

I mean yes, I am fat, so? You're telling me like I have never noticed before which is absurd because I have like three mirrors. Okay, I get it. But why is it a surprising element? I'll never know.

Now, B),

Honestly you know what's actually surprising? When people who are insecure are told that they are fat and they just kind of cry to that. Why do you do that bruh? Have you cried when someone tells you that you're pretty darn amazing? No right? I know there isn't no comparison but fat is an adjective as well and if you take it as a negative adjective, it's your mentality.

Personally, I will not take any offense if someone comes up to me and tells me I am fat. Yes I am fat, so what? There's nothing wrong with being fat. I mean yes, health wise speaking it isn't the best but if you are taking it in a category which resides in the opposite of the word, 'beautiful' then I'd like to pop the bubble of oblivion you are living in. You are wrong!

Let's step into two quick lessons you'll need to kick the stereotype mentality in the butt by yours truly.

1. Acceptance 

Hey, this outfit is making me look fat. 

It does, it makes you look beautiful.

This is how it's done.

What Not To Say

No, you don't look fat at all. You look beautiful.

What To Say

Yes, it does. It makes you look beautiful.

2. Confidence

It's all about carrying yourself to be honest. How you embrace who you are with confidence. If you wish for a size zero body and yet you don't know how to carry yourself, you will not shine. Stop letting society's beauty standards define you.
Keep in mind, don't let society brainwash you.

Honestly, it's not just about being fat. It's about all those adjectives people think aren't worthy enough to make it in the beauty list made by people with minus zero mentality? No offense.

So, allow me to ask you. What do you think of the word fat? Comment down below. I am eager to read your thoughts.

That's about it,
Please remember you don't have to look at the world like everybody is looking.

Share this with people who might be interested,
I am off to procrastinating.

Until next time,


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